Alabama Rep. introduces bill to abolish federal agencies

Rep. Bradley Bryne (R-Al.) has reintroduced a bill from 2015 which would allow at least 10 agencies to be reviewed for removal. The Sunset Inefficient and Unaccountable Government Act (H.R. 7334) would require agencies and departments to undergo a review every 10 years before Congress. If Congress fails to reauthorize the agency or department, the agency head must move forward with its dissolution. National defense and security agencies are exempt from the requirement.

The agencies targeted for elimination under H.R. 7334 are:

  • The Department of Agriculture

  • The Department of Commerce

  • The Department of Education

  • The Department of Energy

  • The Department of Health and Human Services

  • The Department of Housing and Urban Development

  • The Department of Labor

  • The Department of the Interior

  • Offices within the Department of the Treasury

  • The Department of Veterans Affairs

  • The Department of Transportation

When Rep. Bryne introduced the bill in 2015, he admitted the legislation had a slim chance of passing under the Obama administration. He has now reintroduced the bill and called it a “common sense” change and a “healthy thing” for the federal government.

Conversely, Robert R. Dougan, president of the National Federation of Government Employees, said of the law, “This radical legislation would put the dismantling of the federal government on autopilot… It is a scary proposition for the American people. The National Federation of Federal Employees will strongly oppose this legislation.”

While Rep. Byrne may have trouble garnering traction for his bill in the Democrat controlled House, he will likely find an ally in the White House.

In June, the Executive Office of the President released a 130-page reform and reorganization plan which recommended the abolition of the Office of Personnel Management. The plan also called for a merging of the Department of Education and the Department of Labor to form the Department of Education and the Workforce.

The Trump administration’s desire to scale back the federal workforce could make Byrne’s proposition palatable. Nonetheless, GovTrack gives the bill a 3 percent chance of passing.


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