Call for Nominations for FY2021 Presidential Rank Awards

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announced in a March 3, 2021 memo that it would be opening nominations for the FY2021 Presidential Rank Awards (PRA). The awards program was suspended in 2020 by the prior administration. The PRA is one of the most prestigious awards that can be given to a career civil servant and was established in 1978.

The White House expressed strong support for the PRA program and awarding public servants for their accomplishments. “The Presidential Rank Awards have a rich history of awarding well-deserving individuals in federal career service,” said White House Chief of Staff Ronald Klain in a statement. “We are pleased that the Office of Personnel Management has made it a priority to bring back these distinguished awards to honor our dedicated civil servants in the federal workforce. The president looks forward to being part of the selection process and lifting up individuals that consistently demonstrate strength, integrity, industry, and a relentless commitment to public service.”

President Biden has focused on the federal workforce during his first weeks in office. In the president’s January Executive Order on Protecting the Federal Workforce, President Biden echoed his support for uplifting civil servants by stating, “[C]areer civil servants are the backbone of the Federal workforce, providing the expertise and experience necessary for the critical functioning of the Federal Government.”

The OPM memo restarting the PRA reads, “This is an excellent opportunity to recognize career Senior Executive Service (SES) members and other senior career employees (SL/ST) who have made significant impacts on your agency's effectiveness on a sustained basis and communicate to the public the value of their leadership which provides the highest level of service to the Nation.”

Bob Corsi, Interim President of the Senior Executives Association, applauded the call for nominations. He said, “The Presidential Rank Awards provide a modest bonus and necessary recognition to send the message to both federal leaders and taxpayers that the work of government leaders is valued and important. Last year’s cancellation of the Presidential Rank Awards was a devastating blow to the morale of federal leaders who have sacrificed their health and safety throughout the pandemic.”

According to the memo, nominations for the FY2021 Presidential Rank Awards are due April 9, 2021.  Beginning this year, agencies should submit nominations electronically. Inspectors General should nominate executives through the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE).


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