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The inaugural prompt for the FEDforum is: Introduce your organization to the federal community. This week, hear from the Federal Managers Association (FMA).

Established in 1913, the Federal Managers Association (FMA) advocates for excellence in public service through effective management and professionalism, as well as the active representation of its members interests and concerns. FMA advances its mission through consultation with the Executive Branch and advocacy in Congress, top-notch professional development programs, informative publications and networking opportunities for its members.

FMA is a non-partisan professional organization, the largest and oldest federal employee organization representing the interests of managers and supervisors in the federal government today. Eligibility for regular membership extends to persons responsible for or associated with the management of people, programs, or projects. With more than forty departments and agencies represented, FMA’s members span the federal government. Membership opportunities include chapters at installations, at-large memberships at sites where there are no chapters, retiree/lifetime members, and corporate. Many chapters also offer associate memberships for people who aspire to management or support the cause.

FMA engages in consultative relationships with top Executive Branch officials across the government. FMA also works with Congress on critical civil service issues. FMA’s track record includes legislative and regulatory success in federal pay and benefits, including a sick leave credit for FERS employees, the creation of disabled veteran leave and paid parental leave; and, federal management and hiring reforms, such as increased training initiatives. FMA’s issues agenda addresses preserving due process, competitive civil service pay and benefits, and maintaining the core values of the civil service. In this time of Covid-19, FMA has advocated for retroactive hazard pay for federal workers, protection and restoration of use-it-or-lose-it annual leave for all federal employees, and creation of a task force to advise on all matters relating to feds.   

Advocacy efforts include congressional testimony, agency consultation, grassroots letter campaigns, and media relations. FMA is a member of the Employee Thrift Advisory Council (ETAC), which advises the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board on Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) matters, the FEHB Program Advisory Group (OPM), the Federal-Postal Coalition, the Government Managers Coalition, and the Federal Employee Education & Assistance Fund (FEEA) Board.

FMA’s members receive exceptional publications and access to a wide range of important information. FMA publishes: The Federal Manager, a quarterly magazine focusing on federal managers and management issues; the Washington Report, a monthly e-newsletter detailing the latest developments on Capitol Hill and in the Executive Branch; the FMA Grassroots Update, a monthly e-newsletter assisting members with communicating with their members of Congress; annual Issue Briefs summarizing FMA’s policy positions; and, legislative action alerts assisting members with contacting members of Congress. FMA also maintains an informative website: (

FMA sponsors an annual convention in Washington, D.C., regional meetings, and programs at the chapter level. Due to the current pandemic, a virtual convention is being planned for March 2021. Independent of internal conferences and training seminars, FMA also sponsors valuable professional development programs and workshops throughout the year.

The Federal Managers Association is proud to participate in FEDForum and look forward to a dynamic dialogue providing FMA’s perspectives on matters affecting managers.

The column part of the FEDforum, an initiative to unite voices across the federal community. The FEDforum is a space for federal employee groups to share their organizations’ initiatives and activities with the FEDmanager audience.

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