Federal Managers – Are You Prepared to Take the Stand?

The recent Supreme Court nomination process has demonstrated to the public at large that any Federal employee can be brought forward to testify in a Senate Hearing. As a Federal manager, such an intensive process can be traumatizing especially if personal details become publicized, sensationalized, and/or probed by the media or politicians. In today’s world, conversations, emails, and memos will certainly make news. How do you prepare for this?  How do you decide which law firm to hire? Who can you trust?

FEDS Protection Professional Liability Insurance provides you with your own personal attorney to prepare and defend against inquiries or allegations arising out of the performance of your duties, prepare and defend against OIG or agency administrative investigation processes, attend the investigative interview with you, and defend in any resulting disciplinary action at both the agency level and Merit Systems Protection Board.  Managers have had to invoke policy coverage resulting from complaints made by members of the public, other federal employees, and special interest groups running the gamut from allegations of negligent performance, to operational errors, to allegations of abuses of authority or position, to ethical allegations.

Your legal representation matters and it is important to have an attorney who is qualified, knowledgeable, and tenacious.  FEDS-selected panels of attorneys have over 30 years of employment-related legal experience and expertise in successfully handling federal employment liability matters.

Another area where the quality of your legal representation matters is when managing problematic employees.  You need to understand and be able to protect yourself from alleged whistleblower retaliation claims since, with the passage of the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act, the Office of Special Counsel is no longer compelled to be selective in choosing which retaliation complaints to prosecute and will likely find itself more emboldened in bringing cases against managers.

You must have FEDS Protection in place prior to knowledge of an incident that could result in a claim – or coverage will be denied.  Coverage is available for $290 per year or $145 after agency reimbursement – and payroll deduction is available. 

Enrollment takes less than 5 minutes:
·  Enroll on-line anytime at www.fedsprotection.com.
                ·  Call us Monday – Friday 8am – 6pm ET at 866.955.FEDS


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