Free Webinar on Exploring Mindset During the Pandemic

Join the Senior Executives Association, Treasury Executive Institute, and The Arbinger Institute, for a Free Webinar on April 28th from 12pm- 1pm focused on Exploring Mindset During the Pandemic.

Mindset drives the actions we take when information, a circumstance, and a situation is introduced.  It is happening all the time.  So when new situations arise, such as a global pandemic, the inward mindset thrives.  The inward mindset invites us to become hyper-focused on ourselves and how everyone else is impacting our ability to get our job done.  This, in turn, has a ripple effect and causes many problems for our colleagues and family members.

In our current situation, we are all vulnerable to seeing others as "objects" - and when we do, we either find ourselves "better than" others or "worse than" others.  This strongly influences how we respond to a coworker whose children are playing in the background, or a colleague not turning on their camera for a team meeting, or a spouse also in need of getting their work done.  

Is it the social distancing that is making this hard, or our inward mindset?  Join us on April 28th to explore this question and learn how we can make this situation go a little bit better for everyone around us.

To register, click the link: Social Distancing or the Inward Mindset: What's really making this difficult?


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