Increased Challenges, Increased Exposures

As the United States enters its fourth month of COVID-19-related shutdown in some form, the long-term behavioral impacts of the ‘new normal’ are beginning to appear.  Recent polls and  official guidance indicate that Americans are experiencing elevated levels of unhappiness and anxiety due to the ongoing pandemic. 

These issues and emotions can exacerbate and amplify the already-evident stresses coronavirus has brought to the workplace:  teleworking pressures, safety concerns, feelings of isolation, and lower degrees of teamwork and camaraderie.  For federal managers, this confluence of challenges may manifest itself in unhappy employees assigning blame for the current situation ‘upwards’ through EEO or other similar complaints.  All federal managers should be prepared for an uptick in such actions and should ensure they are legally, financially, and emotionally protected by carrying a federal employee professional liability insurance policy (PLI) from FEDS Protection. 

Federal managers are one of the groups in the federal workforce that need professional liability insurance the most—one of the reasons agencies are statutorily required to reimburse all managers and supervisors up to half the cost of a professional liability insurance premium.  A PLI policy from FEDS Protection provides federal managers with the civil, administrative, and criminal protection they need.  The FEDS policy automatically includes coverage for EEO and OSC type claims, at no additional premium, because this is the very reason most managers purchase—and use—the policy.  After the agency reimbursement, having a FEDS policy can cost less than $.50 a day.  As COVID-19 challenges multiply, federal managers should act to ensure their protection and  visit or call 866.955.FEDS Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 6:00pm ET to enroll today.


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