Looking Back & Looking Forward

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic constitutes one of the greatest challenges this country has faced since the attacks of September 11th.  This week marks the 19th anniversary of 9/11, and FEDS Protection continues to salute those federal employees who have continued to serve our country through crises past and present.

In previous columns, FEDS Protection has highlighted the federal governmentโ€™s practice of establishing special commissions in the wake of crises or national disasters.  For instance, the 9/11 Commission, established in 2002, eventually conducted nine public hearings and did not release its findings until 2004.  While these commissions undoubtedly serve a powerful function in evaluating how the U.S. government can improve its processes, far-reaching special commissions can sweep up career federal employees who have done nothing but faithfully perform their jobs. 

While the COVID-19 pandemic remains ongoing, the allegations of missteps by the government and tensions between different agencies involved all but guarantees that a commission will be established in the future with a mandate to investigate the U.S. response.  The establishment of such a commission will surely involve testimony and investigation of career civil servants who performed their jobs admirably.  Just as it does for Congressional hearings and other administrative investigations, FEDS Protection will stand by its members in any future coronavirus commission actions.

To learn more about FEDS Protection, visit www.fedsprotection.com.


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