OPM Releases Final Job Family Position Classification and Qualification Standards for Implementation

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has released for implementation the final Job Family Position Classification and Qualification Standards for professional and administrative occupations in the Accounting, Auditing, and Budget Group, 0500. The Job Family Standard (JFS) provides information on series definition, titling instructions, occupation information, and evaluation criteria in occupational series in Financial Administration, Accounting, Auditing, and Budget Analysis.

The OPM release outlines the qualifications and requirements for each individual occupational code. A three-part report attached to the release also includes occupational information applicable to federal work covered by this JFS without regard to pay plan or classification system, the grading criteria for positions classified in accordance with GS grade definitions, and explanatory material about the development of this JFS.

The report instructs agencies to apply these guidelines in the order listed to determine the correct series a job belongs:

  • Paramount knowledge required. Although there may be several different kinds of work in the position, most positions will have a paramount knowledge requirement. The paramount knowledge is the most important type of subject-matter knowledge or experience required to do the work.

  • Reason for the position’s existence. The primary purpose of the position or management’s intent in establishing the position is a positive indicator for determining the appropriate series.

  • Organizational mission and/or function. Positions generally align with the mission and function of the organization to which they are assigned. The organization’s function is often mirrored in the organizational title and may influence the appropriate series.

  • Recruitment source. Supervisors and managers can help by identifying the occupational series providing the best qualified applicants to do the work. This is closely related to the paramount knowledge required.”

The notice also provides a breakdown for distinguishing professional work in accounting and auditing from technical work in accounting and auditing.

In Part Two, the report instructs agencies to evaluate positions on a factor-by-factor basis using the nine factor level descriptions included in the report.

The OPM release notes that the revised qualification standards shall be effective immediately and used to qualify candidates for positions in these occupations series. Agencies must apply the job family standard to covered positions by November 9, 2020.

The classification and qualification standards for the Revenue Agent, 0512, and Tax Specialist, 0526, will be issued separately as an IRS agency-specific classification standard.


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