Podsters on FEDtalk

Federal Podsters Roundtable

On the latest episode of the FEDtalk podcast, federal employee panelists who themselves are podcast hosts and content creators across platforms join the program to discuss the personal and professional benefits, pitfalls, and successes of their creations, and what it has meant for them as well for their careers.

Love Rutledge, a Defense Department civilian employee, described the genesis of her FEDupward podcast as that of a federal employee struggling to find answers to common problems – understanding parental leave and childcare issues surrounding employment with her first child. Love wanted to create a resource for herself, and others like her, focused on tangible, practical advice, tips, and information. Now with over 100 episodes, she continues to explore new areas to help the federal community with practical information.

Alex Tremble began interviewing thought leaders and developing content and professional development programs as a way to advance his federal career and as a side-hustle.  His interview podcasts transitioned during the pandemic into video interviews hosted on YouTube, reflecting the reality that people digest content in different formats. Over time, Alex developed and launched the Tremble Influence Academy.

Daniel Hulter, an active-duty airman with the U.S. Air Force, is a prolific content creator and facilitator. He uses storytelling and writing to process and give voice to experiences from his own life and career, and in sharing them has found they resonate with colleagues and peers. Daniel and colleagues have launched a community of practice for National Security facilitators called Agitare, within the nonprofit Defense Entrepreneurs Forum (DEF).

All three FEDtalk guests began their projects and content creation to address a personal need and void not addressed in the workplace. All three described how these efforts eventually grew into catalysts that shaped their careers and professional networks.

You can stream the show online anytime via the Federal News Network app and listen to the FEDtalk podcast on PodcastOne and Apple Podcasts.

FEDtalk is a live talk show produced by Shaw Bransford & Roth P.C., a federal employment law firm. Bringing you the insider’s perspective from leaders in the federal community since 1993.

FEDtalk is sponsored by the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP). The FLTCIP is sponsored by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, insured by John Hancock Life & Health Insurance Company, under a group long term care insurance policy, and administered by Long Term Care Partners, LLC (doing business as FedPoint).


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