President Biden Announces Intent to Appoint FLRA Federal Service Impasses Panel Members

On August 23, 2021, President Biden announced his intent to appoint a group of members to the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) Federal Service Impasses Panel. The panel is an entity within the FLRA that currently has no members. The panel chair and members serve on a part-time basis and aid in resolving negotiation impasses between federal agencies and unions representing federal employees.

If bargaining between parties (federal agencies and unions that represent federal agencies), followed by mediation assistance, does not result in a voluntary agreement, then either party or the parties jointly may request the panel’s assistance. After either party files for assistance from the panel, the panel conducts a preliminary investigation into the request. Following this investigation, the panel decides whether to proceed. If they decide to move forward, the panel has the authority to recommend and/or direct the use of various dispute-resolution procedures.

If these procedures are ineffective, the panel can impose whatever action it deems necessary to resolve the dispute. The parties may not appeal the merits of the panel's decision to any court.

President Biden announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to the panel:

  • Martin H. Malin, Chair

  • Wynter P. Allen, Member

  • Jeanne Charles, Member

  • Howard Friedman, Member

  • Edward F. Hartfield, Member

  • Marvin E. Johnson, Member

  • Mark G. Pearce, Member

  • Pamela Schwartz, Member

  • Joseph E. Slater, Member

  • Tamiko N.W. Watkins, Member

FLRA Chairman Ernest DuBester applauded the intent to appoint the members to the panel. More information on each nominee and their accolades can be found here.


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