Professional Development for Federal Employees

For those of us that hold true to the belief that learning is continual and lifelong, it is without doubt, in my opinion, that professional development is critically important for federal employees.  Often, however, this belief does not align with organizations’ practice and behaviors.  In many instances, the benefits of professional development are often understated and undervalued.  When organizations are faced with tough budget challenges, the training budget is typically the first to be reduced or cut.  As such, the long-term consequences of this action leave federal employees under-developed/skilled, negatively impacting the organization’s ability to maximize performance and productivity.  

As organizations reimagine the future of work, post pandemic, and strive to stay abreast of rapid technological changes, this is a golden opportunity to rethink professional development and the value it brings to both the employee and the organization.   Professional development is an investment in an employee’s career growth, which yields long lasting return for the organization. Specifically, the research has shown that employees who participate in ongoing professional development are more confident and motivated.  Exposing both new and experienced employees to professional development opportunities can enable them to gain new insights, ideas, and expertise. Professional development also supports the organization’s recruitment and retention strategies.  Employers who offer professional development opportunities are more likely to attract a broader population of prospective candidates who are interested in pursuing career growth and advancement opportunities.  Conversely, data cites lack of professional development and advancement as one of the top reasons employees choose to leave an organization.    

With the proliferation of on-line opportunities via webinars, podcasts, videos, etc, employees have access to a wealth of valuable career enhancing instruction, literally at their fingertips.  This approach offers greater flexibility and convenience in hybrid and remote environments and is cost effective.

This is a call to action for all federal leaders to renew your commitment to the importance of professional development and invest in your workforce, by advocating for and defending resources allocated for training and development.  To remain competitive and relevant and maximize organization performance, employees must be equipped with up-to-date information and skills to effectively perform their function and support the mission. 

Speaking of the importance of professional development, join us September 18-20, 2023, at the AAFEA 19th Annual Leadership Development Workshop, where the theme is “Leading in a Reimagined Workplace.”  Attendees will gain three powerful days of professional development and networking experiences, to include an opportunity to participate in one of two leadership development certificate courses.  Visit the website at to register!

The column from the African American Federal Executive Association (AAFEA) is part of the FEDforum, an initiative to unite voices across the federal community. The FEDforum is a space for federal employee groups to share their organizations’ initiatives and activities with the FEDmanager audience.

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