Republican, Democrat Lawmakers Offer Opposing Views on How to Bring Federal Employees Back into Office

In a May 18, 2021 letter to Kathleen McGettigan, Acting Director at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Representative Jody Hice (R-GA) called for federal employees to return to in-person work as soon as possible. On the contrary, Representative Gerry Connolly (D-VA) argued in his own letter that agencies must proceed with caution surrounding reopening to prevent harm to the federal workforce.

In his letter, Rep. Hice argues that prolonging maximum telework while COVID-19 rates are declining and Americans are getting vaccinated is not a permanent or sustainable solution.

Rep. Hice furthers in the letter, β€œThe lack of face-to-face services during the pandemic has had real, negative impacts on veterans, Social Security beneficiaries, and others who need prompt, attentive service from public servants at federal agencies. This is particularly critical for the most vulnerable of our constituents including seniors and low-income Americans, as well as individuals who may not have internet access or the computer skills necessary to navigate an entirely virtual interaction with a government agency.”

Rep. Hice called on Acting Director McGettigan to organize β€œa staff-level briefing no later than May 25, 2021 regarding the preparation and planning currently underway for a return of the federal workforce to its ordinary work locations.”

On the contrary, Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) sent a May 20, 2021 letter to Acting Director McGettigan wherein he urged OPM to approach this issue more cautiously with vaccination rates declining around the country. Rep. Connolly also expressed fears that hastily reopening agencies without proper plans in place could lead to harm for the federal workforce.

Rep. Connolly cited the story of one of his constituents, Chai Suthammanont, who passed away in the early stages of the pandemic after contracting COVID-19 at his agency due to unclear guidelines and agency protocol. As a result, Rep. Connolly introduced the Chai Suthammanont Remembrance Act, which strives to better protect federal employees returning to the workplace by requiring agencies to develop return plans prior to mandating employee returns. 

Rep. Connolly stated in his letter to OPM, β€œI believe that federal employees who need to be in offices should be allowed to return as soon as is practicable. Yet we must balance the needs of continuing government operations and providing vital resources to the public with the equally important obligation to protect the health and safety of federal employees so that they can continue to provide those services.”


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