Third Circuit: Federal Civilian Dual Status Technicians Not Covered under the Uniformed Services Exception to Reduced Social Security Benefits
Floyd Douglas Newton worked as a National Guard dual status technician from 1980 until 2013. A dual status military technician is a federal civilian position supporting the Selected Reserve or armed forces. Though civilians, dual status technicians are required to maintain National Guard membership, hold a particular military grade, and wear appropriate military uniform, among other requirements.

Federal Circuit: No MSPB Jurisdiction for Termination for Failure to Maintain National Guard Membership
A dual-status military technician, whose position was partially civilian and partially military, appealed his termination for failing to maintain membership in the National Guard, a prerequisite to his dual-status appointment under 32 U.S.C. § 709(b), to the Merit Systems Protection Board.

Sorting Through Cybersecurity Part 2: The Internal Agency Perspective
Tune in to FEDtalk this week for a discussion on Cybersecurity Awareness Month. A few weeks ago we heard from industry leaders about top cybersecurity concerns. This week, the individuals leading efforts to combat cyber threats in government will join us to discuss their work.