OPM Issues Interim Rule for Recruiting and Hiring Student Interns
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OPM Issues Interim Rule for Recruiting and Hiring Student Interns

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) released an interim rule on August 18, 2021 that would make it easier for student interns to be hired by federal agencies. In the past, federal agencies have had stringent rules surrounding their internship programs leading to a path of full employment. This new policy would make it easier for agencies to recruit and retain talented interns.

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OPM Releases Policy Updates on Skills Based Hiring
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OPM Releases Policy Updates on Skills Based Hiring

A memorandum for Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCOs) released Monday announced draft updates to federal hiring policy based on the Executive Order on Modernizing and Reforming the Assessment and Hiring of Federal Job Candidates that was released by the Trump Administration in June 2020. The executive order directed agencies to expand the use of competency-based assessments and rely less on educational requirements when hiring for certain positions.

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OPM Guidance Proposes Updated Requirements for Public Service
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OPM Guidance Proposes Updated Requirements for Public Service

An OPM guidance released on Friday builds on an executive order released by President Trump on June 26 directing agencies to expand the use of valid, competency-based assessments and narrow the use of educational qualifications in the federal hiring process. A primary goal of the executive order is to mimic the private sector’s use of competency-based assessments rather than degree-based hiring.

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White House Issues Executive Order on Federal Hiring
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White House Issues Executive Order on Federal Hiring

On Friday, President Trump signed an executive order on Modernizing and Reforming the Assessment and Hiring of Federal Job Candidates. The order calls upon agencies to increase use of skills assessments and interviews with subject matter experts in the hiring process, with less of an emphasis placed on degree requirements. The goal, according to the Trump Administration, is to broaden the pool of potential candidates and create a more equitable hiring process.

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NASA Develops Strategy for STEM Recruitment
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NASA Develops Strategy for STEM Recruitment

Like the private sector, the federal government struggles to recruit talent in STEM fields. In the May 2020 Issues of Merit by the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB), the MSPB highlighted NASA’s success in recruiting STEM occupations and outlined the ways in which other agencies can recruit additional STEM employees.

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Legislators Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Expedite Hiring of Pandemic Recovery Watchdog
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Legislators Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Expedite Hiring of Pandemic Recovery Watchdog

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Banking Committee Chairman Mike Crapo (R-ID), and Senators Maggie Hassan (D-NH), Joni Ernst (R-IA) and Cory Booker (D-NJ) have introduced legislation to boost oversight of trillions of dollars in taxpayer funded pandemic relief by helping the special watchdog quickly onboard oversight staff. The Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery (SIGPR) Expedited Hiring Authority Act allows the SIGPR to bypass the current government hiring process to allow the office to quickly ramp up oversight operations.

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