QSMOs and the Trail to Mission Success
Learn more about Quality Service Management Offices (QSMOs) and how they can help agencies achieve their goals by providing a vast array of tools and resources. Customer agencies can choose which products from the QSMO Depot will help achieve their mission success journey.

What are Shared Services?
Learn about the importance of Shared Services and how agencies use them effectively. These services reduce duplication of efforts, improve service delivery, enhance customer experience, and save American taxpayers money.

SSLC Releases Report on Improving Shared Services in Government
The Shared Services Leadership Coalition (SSLC) recently released a report titled What Comes Next: Shared Services Beyond 2020- An Action Plan to Accelerate Shared Services in the Next Administration. According to its mission statement, the SSLC “advocates that the Federal Government accelerate implementation of modernized shared service business models to reduce costs and improve performance of common administrative and mission related functions on behalf of the public interest in competent, cost-effective 21st Century government.”