SEA, Deloitte Launches Survey to Understand Cross-Sector Capabilities
As federal managers and executives have a unique understanding of how the government operates, the Senior Executives Association (SEA) and Deloitte are inviting you to share your experience.

SEA-BGRS Relocation Practices Survey
The Senior Executives Association (SEA) and BGRS are conducting unique research regarding current U.S. Federal and Canadian government relocation policies and talent management practices to determine how effective practices are today, and how they may need to evolve for tomorrow.

OPM Announces 2020 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey to Begin in July
In a memo to agency leaders, OPM Acting Director Michael Rigas announced the 2020 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (OPM FEVS) will begin on July 13, 2020. The survey rollout was delayed earlier in the spring as agencies were focusing on mission critical work during the coronavirus response. Rigas also announced several changes to the survey.