Lawmakers introduce TIPS Act to Promote Communication Between Federal Government and Citizens
Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Senator James Lankford (R-OK) recently introduced the Trust in Public Service (TIPS) Act, which would aim to increase citizen trust in the federal government by ensuring all interactions between the public and agencies are effective, easy, and positive.

Sunshine Week Hearings and Legislation Promote Government Transparency
Several bills were introduced last week to commemorate Sunshine Week, a national initiative spearheaded by the News Leaders Association to educate the public about the importance of open government.

House Passes Bill to Increase Transparency in Agency Use of Funds
The Congressional Budget Justification Transparency Act (H.R. 22), introduced by U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (D-IL), passed the House in a 412-2 vote. This bipartisan bill would increase transparency of government funding by allowing the public to access an easy to use database with a breakdown of spending.