Religious Accommodation Test Before the Supreme Court
This case law update was written by James P. Garay Heelan , an attorney at the law firm of Shaw Bransford & Roth, where since 2021 she has represented federal officials and employees in all aspects of federal personnel employment law. Ms. Grieshammer also advises federal agencies and employers on employment issues, such as proposed disciplinary actions and other employment-related litigation.
Fourth Circuit: MSPB Can't Adjudicate "Mixed Case" of EEO Claims, IRA Appeals
The Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) lacks jurisdiction to address equal employment opportunity (EEO) claims in “individual right of action” whistleblower reprisal appeals, the Fourth Circuit recently held.
Federal Circuit Rejects Perceived Whistleblowing Claim
The Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) has long recognized claims where the employee has not made a protected disclosure, where supervisors perceive the employee to be a whistleblower.

Whistleblower Protection – Where We Stand 243 Years After the First Whistleblower Law
National Whistleblower Day is celebrated each year on July 30. America’s first whistleblower law was approved during the height of the American Revolution on July 30, 1778 when Congress acted on whistleblower disclosures made about wrongdoing and abuses by a senior officer of the Continental Navy.

New Whistleblower Bills Would Protect Federal Workers
National Whistleblower Appreciation Day, an annual day of recognition for whistleblowers whose actions protected the American people from fraud and abuse, took place this past July 30th. Surrounding the day, several pieces of legislation have been introduced to protect government whistleblowers, many of whom are afraid to come forward out of fear of retaliation by their agencies.