Training, Awards, Networking on Agenda as AAFEA Hosts Annual Workshop

Training, Awards, Networking on Agenda as AAFEA Hosts Annual Workshop

With a focus on the “Reimagined Workplace” the African American Federal Executives Association (AAFEA) is set to host its annual leadership development workshop. AAFEA, which was founded in 2002, is a volunteer-led organization. Its mission is to support the advancement of African American managers into the federal government’s Senior Executive Service (SES). The event comes as a recent report from the Partnership for Public Service found that the improvement of diversity in the SES ranks has been slow going.

Recently, AAFEA President Tyra Dent and Vice President Rachel Torres joined FEDTalk host Natalia Castro, Deputy Director of Government and Public Affairs at Shaw Bransford & Roth P.C., to preview the event, which will be held both in-person and virtually, September 18-20, 2023, at the College Park Marriott & Conference Center in Hyattsville, Maryland.

The Reimagined Workplace

The “Reimagined Workplace” is the theme of this year’s workshop.

“Since the pandemic, quite frankly we have been very thoughtful about identifying topics and themes that are very specific for the time we are in,” said Dent, who added that the theme seemed like a natural fit with so much change occurring in the workplace post-pandemic.

Torres noted that workshops such as AAFEA’s, give employees a forum to discover more about themselves, network with colleagues, and ask questions that may be tougher to ask in a remote setting, such as how to grow and sell yourself in a remote work environment and making sure that staff feel cohesive even if spread out.

“We want to give everyone the tools to be able to lead in a new environment,” said Torres.

Sparking Engagement and Action

The workshop will feature activities, speakers (including Stedman Graham), training, breakout sessions, award presentations (including SES award, mentorship award, and community partner awards), scholarship presentations for training and attending the conference, and more. The goal is to share and promote solutions that foster collaboration, creativity, innovation, and inclusiveness.

“This workshop is intended to ignite and spark engagement and action,” said Dent. “We really pack a powerful agenda together for our attendees experience.”

Torres notes that the conference is open to GS-13 level employees and above. She says it is a great opportunity for employees to interact with senior executives and to be exposed to both peers and senior leadership.

“We’ve found that when members have an opportunity to interact with a senior executive, it means the world to them,” said Torres.

Click here to find out more about attending. Dent stresses that even if you can’t attend the whole event, AAEFA would be happy to have members attend the president’s reception on Monday, September 18, or other sessions either in-person or online.

You can stream the show online anytime via the Federal News Network app and listen to the FEDtalk on all major podcasting platforms. FEDtalk is a live talk show produced by Shaw Bransford & Roth P.C., a federal employment law firm. Bringing you the insider’s perspective from leaders in the federal community since 1993.


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