Trick or Treat: Do You Know What to Expect With PLI?

No federal manager goes to work expecting to get sued or anticipates spending tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees to defend their career.  However, today’s current political climate (with increased workforce challengers, Congressional investigations, and political pressures) means federal managers are increasingly vulnerable to civil lawsuits and administrative actions.  If an allegation is made against you, are you aware of your rights as a federal manager?  Are you prepared to vigorously defend yourself even if the allegation is baseless?  Do you have professional liability insurance in place to help you in these trying matters? In the spirit of the fall season, FEDS Protection has put together a list of Trick or Treat facts that will help you learn more about your liability exposures and how best to protect yourself with FEDS PLI.

Trick or Treat

  1. Federal managers are eligible for up to a 50% reimbursement for their professional liability insurance premium.

    Treat.  All federal employees are eligible for PLI—however, because federal managers (as well as law enforcement officers) are considered to be especially at risk of being sued personally, Congress mandates that agencies reimburse federal managers up to half the cost of their annual PLI premiums.  This reimbursement can be up to $150 a year.

  2. DOJ will always assign you representation if you are sued.

    Trick. DOJ representation is not automatic and can be denied.  Moreover, even if DOJ represents you in a civil lawsuit, DOJ can decline to indemnify you—meaning you could still be liable for any monetary judgments

    However, FEDS Protection includes up to $2 million in coverage for civil lawsuits, allowing FEDS members to defend themselves even if they are declined representation or indemnification from DOJ.

  3. All OIG interviews are mandatory (i.e. compelled).

    Trick.  Many OIG interviews are voluntary.  You should always consult with an attorney before you meet with the IG to know your rights.

  4. When terminating an employee, federal managers are immune from any consequences if the termination is justified.

    Trick.  Even if a termination is entirely justified and you are ultimately vindicated, just defending yourself against a wrongful termination action can cause months of stress and cost tens of thousands in legal fees.  With a FEDS Protection policy, your legal defense will be taken care of and you can have peace of mind throughout the process.

  5. The FEDS Protection policy includes employment practices coverage (defending against EEO complaints, whistleblower retaliation allegations, etc.).

    Treat.  The FEDS Protection base policy includes employment practices coverage for federal managers and supervisors at no additional cost.  For just $290 a year, federal managers can protect themselves against all workplace-related complaints that arise out of performing their jobs. 

A FEDS PLI policy can ensure that your career does not turn into a pumpkin.  If you have additional questions about potential exposures of your job or want to learn more about FEDS Protection professional liability insurance, contact us online at or call us at 866-955-FEDS(3337).


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