Volcker Alliance Features Apolitical as Key Tool for Public Servants

The Volcker Alliance, on January 12, gave a presentation along with Apolitical called Connecting Public Servants Around the World to discuss topics like upskilling in government and the value of public servants. Apolitical is a company which offers courses, articles, events, and resources to help public servants perform their best.

The presentation points out that 42 percent of public servants said there were little to no resources available to them to grow within their agencies, and only five percent said the learning offered was “very helpful.” The goal of Apolitical, and the message of the presentation, is that public servants should be valued more.

The presentation noted the importance of upskilling federal employees, which is the act of learning new skills to further one’s career, for both individual career advancement and government efficiency. The presentation featured federal employees from around the world to discuss if and how upskilling is prioritized in their agency.

 Apolitical was named one of the world’s most innovative companies in the “social good” category, along with Starbucks and Patagonia. The company receives input from public servants not just in the U.S, but around the world. According to the organization, 83% of Apolitical users shared that the tool has helped them in their jobs.

One user, Nella Brodett, said, “Apolitical plays an integral role in identifying, sharing, and connecting leaders who can help in my work to improve the lives of citizens.”

Olli-Pekka Heinonen, Chair of the Finland Education Ministry said of Apolitical, “Apolitical has created a global community tackling the same challenges as myself. If you are frustrated about whether public service will ever change, this is the platform for encouragement and motivation.”

After the presentation, the Volcker Alliance released several resources that people can use in order to learn more about Apolitical and become members themselves. This includes signing up for free global connections, training and content, learning how to showcase your insights to a global professional network and upskilling teams at scale via personal or enterprise access to their "Government Essentials" learning.


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