White House Recognizes ‘Exceptional’ Members of Federal Workforce

On Monday the White House announced recipients of the Gears of Government Award, intended to highlight dedicated public servants in the federal workforce. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) honored 24 federal employees at seven federal agencies with President’s Awards.

According to a memo written by then OMB Director Mick Mulvaney, the Gears of Government Awards “recognize individuals and teams across the Federal workforce, both within and across agencies, whose performance and dedication support exceptional delivery of key outcomes for the American people: mission results, customer service, and accountable stewardship.”

The individual and team winners are:

  • Barbara C. Morton, Department of Veterans Affairs

  • Dr. Kathleen Uhl, Department of Health and Human Services

  • Dr. Emily Haas, Department of Health and Human Services

  • KRUSTY Team at the Department of Energy and NASA consisting of Marc Gibson, Lee Mason, William Pulse, and Angela Chambers

  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Team consisting of Gregory Doucette, Timothy Davis, and Stephanie Moore

  • Takata Recall Team at the Department of Transportation consisting of Kerry Kolodziej, Kara Fischer, Stephen Hench, Luicia Sanchez, and Nicholas LaBruna

  • Office of Inspector General at the Department of Health and Human Services consisting of Kenneth Kraft, Dustin Litwiler, Jess Weisz, Cassandra Newsome, and Roman Kulbashny

  • Agricultural Marketing Service at the U.S. Department of Agriculture consisting of Roger Cryan, Marc McFetridge, Michael Sheats, and Robert Wintersteen

Agency leadership is asked to recognize staff throughout the year who model success in any of the three outcome areas of mission, service, and stewardship or who act as key drivers in IT modernization, data accountability and transparency, and the workforce.

In May, the Executive Office of the President selects a few of the individuals or groups recognized by their agency to receive the Gears of Government President’s Award.

The awards are given out during Public Service Recognition Week as “a perfect opportunity to recognize outstanding federal employees … in order to highlight the fact that every day, federal employees play a key role in our lives,” Margaret Weichert, Deputy Director for Management at OMB, said during a press call. “Whether they’re defending the homeland, inspecting our food, making scientific discoveries or managing our cyber borders, this work requires faithful dedication to the mission of our federal government, and that’s what each recipient demonstrates.”


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