Uplift by Better Up: Where Human Potential Fuels Business Performance
Federal agencies and managers across the Executive Branch may be surprised when the U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) arrives to investigate a complaint of whistleblower reprisal or other alleged Prohibited Personnel Practices (PPP).

Defend Yourself & Your Agency Against Retaliation Claims
Federal agencies and managers across the Executive Branch may be surprised when the U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) arrives to investigate a complaint of whistleblower reprisal or other alleged Prohibited Personnel Practices (PPP).
From Public Service to Financial Freedfom
Join Rep. James E. Clyburn (D-SC) and Department of Education officials for a webinar on Wednesday, September 7 at 5:00 pm to familiarize yourself with the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program.
SEA, Deloitte Launches Survey to Understand Cross-Sector Capabilities
As federal managers and executives have a unique understanding of how the government operates, the Senior Executives Association (SEA) and Deloitte are inviting you to share your experience.

You're in Luck—FEDcon22 is Just Around the Corner!
The National Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) hosts FEDcon22, a one-of-a-kind forum celebrating the dedication of America’s civil servants between August 21-23, 2022.

Safeguarding Your Security Clearance–5 Tips to a Successful SF-86 & SF-85
Avoid common mistakes made on the SF-85 or SF-86 that could delay or disqualify you from employment and join Shaw Bransford & Roth on June 29 @ 11 AM EDT for a live webinar.
Introducing the Office of Technical Assistance
On June 9th at 2PM EDT, join Professional Managers Association (PMA) in a live panel discussion for an overview of the Internal Revenue Service's policy section and economic crimes teams.

iFEST 2021: Learning and Thriving in the New Normal
A year of dramatic shifts in online education and training have made iFEST 2021 a must-participate conference for the distributed learning community. iFEST brings together senior officials and innovators from government, industry, and academia for this three-day online conference to discuss new solutions for the new normal.

Webinar: Inside Santos v. NASA
In this live webinar, an attorney from Shaw Bransford & Roth will explain the Federal Circuit's holding in Santos v. NASA.

Future of the Federal Workforce and Workplace in the Post-Pandemic Era
On July 15, 2021, the National Academy of Public Administration will present the second in two-part series on the future of the Federal workplace.

Sued for doing my job? Webinar
Just recently, the Supreme Court unanimously held in Tanzin v. Tanvir all federal employees can be personally sued under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, for claims that their work “substantially burden[ed] a person’s exercise of religion.”

20th Annual Social Equity Leadership Conference
Join the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) for the 20th Annual Social Equity Leadership Conference this June 9-11! This year's theme is "Fostering Social Equity: Innovation and Change" signifying an emphasis on developing and promoting concrete actions with lasting impact.

Post-Pandemic Relocation and Talent Management Strategies: Responses and Perspectives from North American Public Service Leaders
BGRS Relocation Inc. and the Senior Executives Association (SEA) are excited to announce the release of our ground-breaking research report, “Post-Pandemic Relocation and Talent Management Strategies: Responses and Perspectives from North American Public Service Leaders.”

A Theory of Change: Connecting Civic Culture and Governance
Join us for the first in our four-part series on Public Governance and Engagement, bringing together NAPA’s Grand Challenges Work and the recent AAA&S report, Our Common Purpose: Reinventing American Democracy for the 21st Century which was the product of a two-year bipartisan Commission on the Practice of Democratic Citizenship to study political and civic life around the country.

Federal Developmental Opportunities Workshop
The registration is open for the May 4 Federal Leadership and Professional Development Seminar Series (FLPDSS) workshop: Developmental opportunities - How federal employees can receive development and host opportunities to develop others.

Distance or Disconnect? Coming Together When Your Team is Apart
Please join us on April 27th for a unique event open to all federal employees and those working in the federal space. The Senior Executives Association and the Treasury Executive Institute have partnered with the Arbinger Institute to provide an insightful 90-minute discussion around leading virtually through the lens of an outward mindset.

The 3rd Biannual Great Power Competition Cybersecurity Conference
Join elite cybersecurity experts and policy leaders from the US military, federal government, academia, and private industry for an extensive examination of the United States’ role in cyberspace.