GovLoop Report Details Benefits of Intelligent Automation in a Hybrid Federal Workforce
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GovLoop Report Details Benefits of Intelligent Automation in a Hybrid Federal Workforce

GovLoop examined in a recent report the challenges agencies face in implementing IA, the steps they can take to overcome them, and the benefits IA can provide. The report found that traditional and digital workers composing a hybrid workforce, or intelligent automation (IA), can contribute to a productive work environment and serve as an accelerator for digital transformation.

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DOD Realizes New Oversight Position in Chief Digital and AI Officer
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DOD Realizes New Oversight Position in Chief Digital and AI Officer

In a memo to Pentagon leadership, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks announced the creation of a Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Officer (CDAO), a new position at the Department of Defense (DoD), to centralize oversight of data and artificial intelligence (AI) initiatives under one official at the Pentagon.

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Smithsonian the Latest Federal Establishment to Publish Climate Change Impact Report
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Smithsonian the Latest Federal Establishment to Publish Climate Change Impact Report

Over 20 federal agencies have released their climate action plans in response to President Biden's executive order (EO) on climate change on January 27, 2021, which required plans outlining how the agencies plan to accomplish each climate change-related action, as well as how they can better adapt and increase resilience to climate change impacts through improvements to their facilities and operations – the Smithsonian Museums and Galleries is the most recent publisher of their plan.

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Federal Agencies Commit to Strengthening Customer Service
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Federal Agencies Commit to Strengthening Customer Service

In a recent executive order (EO), President Biden outlined a people-centered approach for improving customer service in the federal government, emphasizing efficiency and accountability, and furthering the President’s Management Agenda. To implement this initiative, the administration plans to develop a sustainable funding model for the Technology Modernization Fund and increasing investment in the U.S. Digital Service.

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Senate Raises the Debt Limit by $2.5 Trillion

In a 50-49 vote, the Senate approved a measure to raise the nation's borrowing limit by $2.5 trillion, preventing a debt default that could cripple agency operations until 2023. The measure now heads to the House where it is expected to pass imminently.

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House Passes PODA, Aims at Preventing Executive Overreach
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House Passes PODA, Aims at Preventing Executive Overreach

A package of reforms approved by the House will protect federal civil servants, bolster agency watchdog programs, and limit temporary appointments to federal positions. The measure passed on a tight party-line vote of 220 to 208, with Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) as the lone Republican voting in favor of the bill.

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