HHS, WAEPA Executives Discuss the Future of Customer Experience in the Healthcare and Insurance Industries
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HHS, WAEPA Executives Discuss the Future of Customer Experience in the Healthcare and Insurance Industries

Last week’s FEDtalk podcast brought together Sanjay Koyani, Executive Director for Innovation at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and Shane Canfield, CEO of Worldwide Assurance for Employees of Public Agencies (WAEPA), to discuss evolving trends in customer experience within the healthcare and insurance industries with FEDtalk hosts Jason Briefel and James Heelan of Shaw Bransford & Roth.

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The Best-Kept Secrets About Federal Service

The Best-Kept Secrets About Federal Service

If you are thinking about jumping into a career as a federal employee or just started your journey as one, you may not be aware of the numerous opportunities and benefits that you get as a federal employee. From advancing your skills and education to discounts and loan forgiveness, there are dozens of programs and opportunities in place that federal employees can really benefit from.

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Financial Planning During a Pandemic
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Financial Planning During a Pandemic

On FEDtalk this week, join host Debra Roth to hear important advice for handling your finances in the midst of the current health and economic crises. Guests will be discussing how to manage times of financial uncertainty while still planning for your long term health and economic security needs.

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Webinar: Federal Employee Finances in a Time of Crisis

Webinar: Federal Employee Finances in a Time of Crisis

While there are signs of recovery, many of us are still struggling to manage the monetary impact of this pandemic. But there are actions we can take today to help. This time in history presents an opportunity for all of us to take stock of our positions, assess the impact the coronavirus has had on our goals, and implement a plan to get our finances back on track. We can also reflect on lessons learned and use them to help protect ourselves for when the next disaster strikes.

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