Talk with your kids about money

Talk with your kids about money

“Four in Five parents wish they had learned more about money and personal finances in their childhood.”

Parents tend to be tight-lipped with their children about family finances. But talking about money can provide a valuable education and keep kids from thinking money is a scary or taboo topic. One way to shape healthy attitudes and behaviors toward money is to engage in frequent conversations about how money works, how it’s earned, how it’s spent and how decisions about it are made.

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WAEPA Launches Group Short-Term Disability Insurance

WAEPA Launches Group Short-Term Disability Insurance

WAEPA has been serving Civilian Federal Employees and their families with affordable group term life insurance for over 75 years. To continue making your needs our mission, we are pleased to provide a new product, Group Short-Term Disability Insurance,* which provides income replacement to federal employees who are temporarily out of work due to a covered short-term illness or injury.

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Data Driving the Future
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Data Driving the Future

On the latest episode of the FEDtalk podcast, the panel discussed the ways in which data is driving the future of work within and without the federal workforce.

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Open Season with Federal Insurers
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Open Season with Federal Insurers

On the most recent episode of FEDtalk, join host Tony Vergnetti for a discussion with the leading players in federal employee insurance. The discussion featured Shane Canfield, CEO of WAEPA, as well as David Yoder, Vice President of Member Care and Management at Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, and Bill Breskin, Senior Vice President of Government Programs at Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.

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