Recognizing Ken Westlake, FMA’s Manager of the Year

On Monday, March 30, the Federal Managers Association (FMA) formally announced Mr. Kenneth A. Westlake as the winner of FMA’s Manager of the Year award. This award is presented annually to an outstanding manager or supervisor in the federal government who is a member of FMA. Nominees are scored based on workplace accomplishments and contributions, local community accomplishments, and FMA involvement at the chapter, regional, or national level.

FMA strives to promote excellence in public service, serving the interests of the more than 200,000 managers, supervisors, and executives in the federal government. Westlake, of FMA Chapter 375, Environmental Protection Agency, Chicago, Illinois, exemplifies the Association's mission at his agency, in his community, and as a leader within FMA. For those reasons, we wanted to share a small glimpse of why Ken was given the prestigious award and share his uplifting story of dedication to his agency’s mission. It is our hope that shining a spotlight on one of the countless federal managers who work each day to provide essential services to the American people will resonate and inspire others.

FMA National President Renee Johnson praised Westlake, saying, "Ken is an inspiring public servant who is most deserving of this recognition. He provides clear leadership in fulfilling EPA's mission, creating a positive culture for his fellow managers and his community. FMA is proud of his steadfast service to our nation and defending its environment, his selfless giving to his community, and to FMA. Our nation is grateful for his vital work to preserve and safeguard our water, air, and habitats for us, our kids, and all future citizens."

Ken has devoted his entire career to public service and safeguarding the environment, working more than 41 years for the EPA's Chicago Regional Office. From 1987 through 2000, Ken served as the State Relations Manager for Illinois and Michigan in the Office of the Regional Administrator. He currently serves as Deputy Director of the Tribal and Multimedia Programs Office. Since 2000, Ken has managed the Region's environmental review program, implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for EPA's Great Lakes Region.

Ken has achieved numerous accomplishments as the NEPA program manager, with his efforts directly translating to preserving and improving the Great Lakes environment for all generations of Americans. He is credited with adopting efficient processes to streamline the review process, allowing EPA to do more with fewer resources. Ken has improved many major infrastructure projects in his tenure, resulting in reduced impacts to wetlands and upland habitats, protecting groundwater in sensitive geological areas, promotion of transit-oriented development, protection of hazardous waste sites and cleanups, and other improvements to water quality, air quality, waste management, and habitats. He also successfully reduced noise impacts for thousands of multifamily residents on the O'Hare Airport Modernization Project.

Ken has received numerous awards for his service in the local community as an adult scouting leader for nearly 25 years, including the Vigil Honor in the Order of the Arrow, which is the highest honor in Scouting's honor society. He is very active at his church, and has also selflessly donated blood and platelets throughout his adult life, with over 380 lifetime units donated. He has served FMA in many capacities since joining the association in 2001, and was elected Chapter President.

"FMA, the EPA, and our nation are privileged to have a leader like Ken Westlake," Johnson continued. "His guidance has a profound positive impact in improving the quality of life for all Americans, and particularly those in the Great Lakes region. At a time when the nation is grappling with the unprecedented challenge of Covid-19, Ken is a shining example of the countless federal employees who seek to do their best each and every day to keep us safe and provide necessary services. We are honored he represents the best of the Federal Managers Association.”

We at FMA congratulate Ken on receiving this award. He is a shining example of great leadership and management to us all. Thank you to Ken and all federal managers who do the vital work of government. The Federal Managers Association salutes you!


The views reflected in this column are those of FMA and do not necessarily represent the views of FEDmanager. To learn more about the Federal Managers Association (FMA), visit their website:


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