Congress Poised For Two-Week Extension On Budget

Members of Congress appear likely to pass a two-week spending bill to extend the deadline beyond the current budget timeline, under which the federal government would be scheduled to partially shut down in four days.

Although the government has funded nearly three-quarters of its activities, agencies including the Department of Justice and the Department of State have not yet received operational funds.

The primary issue of contention has been the Trump administration's desire for increased funding for the construction of a wall on the southern United States border.

"Even some Republicans balk at spending more than the $1.6 billion for fencing and other security improvements already provided," according to the AP via Federal News Network. "But Trump has signaled he’s ready to fight for the money as one of the last big-ticket items of the GOP-led Congress before Democrats take over the House following a decisive victory in the midterm elections."

Thus far, although Democrats have expressed a preference for a shorter, one-week agreement, it appears Democratic members are also open to compromising on a two-week extension.

Other major pieces currently before Congress are a major criminal justice reform bill and the farm bill.

Thus far, President Trump has indicated he would be willing to sign a two-week deal. 


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