Back to the Basics: Standing for Advocacy
FEDforum, 2021 FEDforum Blacks In Government (BIG) FEDforum, 2021 FEDforum Blacks In Government (BIG)

Back to the Basics: Standing for Advocacy

Blacks In Government (BIG) continues to focus on advocacy — that's the most critical thing we want our members and supporters to know in 2021.

The past year has been remarkably difficult for all of us. Added to the misery of a pandemic, it has also exposed continuing inequities in health care, economics, housing, and indeed policing in black communities.

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Advocates for Equal Opportunity, Dismantling Systemic Discrimination
FEDforum, FEDforum Introduction Blacks In Government (BIG) FEDforum, FEDforum Introduction Blacks In Government (BIG)

Advocates for Equal Opportunity, Dismantling Systemic Discrimination

Blacks In Government was organized in 1975 and incorporated as a non-profit organization under the District of Columbia jurisdiction in 1976. BIG was conceived at the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (DHEW) by Black Federal employees at the Parklawn Building in Rockville, Maryland.

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FEDtalk: A Dialogue about Racism in the Federal Government
FEDtalk FEDmanager FEDtalk FEDmanager

FEDtalk: A Dialogue about Racism in the Federal Government

In the most recent FEDtalk podcast episode, Alice Mercer, Chairperson of the Blacks in Government (BIG) Committee on Affirmative Action/ Equal Employment Opportunity, Margaret Williams, Vice-Chair of the Senior Executives Association (SEA) Board of Directors, and Chad Hooper, National President of the Professional Managers Association (PMA) discuss the implications of racism within federal agencies.

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