Federal CIO Releases Enterprising IT Operating Plan
The Federal Chief Information Officer (CIO) released an Information Technology (IT) operating plan last week to unite the “collective strengths” of technology focused federal offices.

Artificial Intelligence - Expanding the Value Proposition for Federal Agencies
Learn how the General Services Administration (GSA) can help the federal government with IT modernization and updating legacy systems using artificial intelligence. IT modernization has long been a goal of the government and GSA is ready to put a plan in motion and help.

OPM Revamping Modernization Efforts
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is launching an attempt to reboot its IT modernization efforts and update its technology. OPM’s Office of the Inspector General released a report that identifies IT modernization as a top priority for the agency. Chief Information Officer Clare Martorana and independent consultants have laid out a plan that would reform OPM’s technology and fix many of its IT issues.