The Move to the Launchpad
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The Move to the Launchpad

This week at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Kennedy Space Center team prepares their newest spacecraft Orion along its path to the launchpad.

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Back to the Moon and on to Mars!
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Back to the Moon and on to Mars!

Last week, FEDtalk host James Heelan spoke to Dr. Jim Green, NASA Chief Scientist; Dr. Elizabeth Frank, Applied Planetary Scientist at First Mode; and Dr. Amy Fagan, Chair of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group, to discuss the Artemis Program at NASA which strives to send humans back to the moon and then to Mars.

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NASA Develops Strategy for STEM Recruitment
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NASA Develops Strategy for STEM Recruitment

Like the private sector, the federal government struggles to recruit talent in STEM fields. In the May 2020 Issues of Merit by the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB), the MSPB highlighted NASA’s success in recruiting STEM occupations and outlined the ways in which other agencies can recruit additional STEM employees.

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