Prioritizing Federal Personnel: Policy Priorities for the Executive and Legislature
On the latest episode of the FEDtalk podcast, panelists discussed elevating the importance of human capital management in the federal government.

OPM Launches New Records System
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is introducing a new records system titled “Federal Competency Assessment Records” that will collect and store OPM data to be used for training and development purposes.

Senior Executives Association, Center for Organizational Excellence Host Press Conference Announcing Report on Transforming Human Capital Management in Federal Workforce
In a press conference Tuesday, the Senior Executives Association (SEA) announced the release of a report detailing ways to build the capacity for change within the federal workforce. The report, led by Study Chair Steve Goodrich of the Center for Organizational Excellence (COE), argues that while most stakeholders agree modernization is necessary, in its current state the federal human capital management system (HCM) is ill-equipped to lead that modernization. The report includes three recommendations with 16 action items spread between them.