Senior Executives Association, Center for Organizational Excellence Host Press Conference Announcing Report on Transforming Human Capital Management in Federal Workforce

In a press conference Tuesday, the Senior Executives Association (SEA) announced the release of a report detailing ways to build the capacity for change within the federal workforce. The report, led by Study Chair Steve Goodrich of the Center for Organizational Excellence (COE), argues that while most stakeholders agree modernization is necessary, in its current state the federal human capital management system (HCM) is ill-equipped to lead that modernization. The report includes three recommendations with 16 action items spread between them.

SEA Interim President Bob Corsi introduced the report as the culmination of several working groups and discussions with agency leaders and stakeholders over the last two years. The report outlines 5 areas which the group recognized as the primary areas of concern:

  1. Despite being the world’s largest employer, federal HCM is inefficient, lacks credibility, is not investment or future oriented, and lacks a government-wide perspective.

  2. Federal HCM is significantly more costly than the private sector.

  3. The world of work is changing — HCM must be prepared to meet the needs of agencies and employees.

  4. The federal government is no longer an inspirational employer.

  5. The budget, oversight, and management processes place significant strain on HCM.

Goodrich noted that the purpose of this report is neither to pass blame, nor to abolish or move OPM, but rather to strengthen OPM and the ensure the federal HCM system is able to meet evolving needs.

The three primary recommendations are:

  1. Develop a new framework for the Legislative and Executive Branches to work together on critical mission and mission-support requirements.

  2. Reform the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) into an efficient, effective, strategic, and credible governor of government-wide human capital that supports both mission-delivery and meeting the future needs of government.

  3. Become an inspirational employer and invest in people.

Read the full report as well as summary fact sheets regarding the report’s recommendations.


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