Payroll Tax Deferral Program Leaves Federal Employees Seeking Answers
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Payroll Tax Deferral Program Leaves Federal Employees Seeking Answers

The White House recently announced an executive order that authorizes employers to defer the Social Security payroll tax from September 1, 2020 through the end of the year for employees who make less than $3,999 per biweekly pay period, known as a payroll tax deferral. This new order has left many agencies and employees with various questions like whether employees can opt-in or out of the program and what happens to federal employees who leave their agencies before or during the window of repayment.

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Federal Employees on the Front Lines
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Federal Employees on the Front Lines

On FEDtalk this week, join host Natalia Castro to hear the stories of the federal employees working on the front lines while millions of Americans stay at home. From the Postal Service to Federal Veterinarians to the IRS employees delivering stimulus checks to the American people, federal employees are keeping the nation afloat during these trying times.

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