New Year, New Opportunities for Compromise
It is easy to look at the newly divided Congress with pessimism, but at the Senior Executives Association (SEA), we see it as a new opportunity.

Government Change Makers Summit, December 5-9, 2022
Leadership and morale are intrinsically linked. Ultimately, the first step forward in addressing team morale and agency performance must be to invest in and strengthen career leadership.
The Role of the SES: A Necessary Bridge That Must Be Rebuilt
Leadership and morale are intrinsically linked. Ultimately, the first step forward in addressing team morale and agency performance must be to invest in and strengthen career leadership.
SEA, Deloitte Launches Survey to Understand Cross-Sector Capabilities
As federal managers and executives have a unique understanding of how the government operates, the Senior Executives Association (SEA) and Deloitte are inviting you to share your experience.
The Case for a Strong Career Leadership in the Federal Government
Leadership and morale are intrinsically linked. Ultimately, the first step forward in addressing team morale and agency performance must be to invest in and strengthen career leadership.
OPM Renews Effort to Diversify SES, Launches Toolkit to Encourage Women Candidates
There may be more opportunities for women to join the Senior Executive Service (SES) under a new program to increase diversity within all federal offices.
Partnership for Public Service Asks if Federal Employees Trust Their Employer
A recent survey of approximately 500 federal employees suggests that civil servants' trust in government is closely linked to leadership performance, productivity, and retention.

Supporting Career Governmental Leaders Lead Through Change
The Senior Executives Association is focused on providing federal, career senior governmental leaders with opportunities to lead, collaborate, network, learn, and grow during a challenging period in our history. The future of federal work, the workplace, and federal leadership will look nothing like the world we lived in before the COVID-19 pandemic.

What it is to Lead a Federal Agency
Every day in the Senior Executive Service (SES) is different, and the same could be said for our members at the Senior Executive Association (SEA). Some days, an SES will develop and initiate agency wide policy to meet taxpayer needs and improve government programs.

Post-Pandemic Relocation and Talent Management Strategies: Responses and Perspectives from North American Public Service Leaders
BGRS Relocation Inc. and the Senior Executives Association (SEA) are excited to announce the release of our ground-breaking research report, “Post-Pandemic Relocation and Talent Management Strategies: Responses and Perspectives from North American Public Service Leaders.”

Distance or Disconnect? Coming Together When Your Team is Apart
Please join us on April 27th for a unique event open to all federal employees and those working in the federal space. The Senior Executives Association and the Treasury Executive Institute have partnered with the Arbinger Institute to provide an insightful 90-minute discussion around leading virtually through the lens of an outward mindset.

Ensuring Workforce and Whistleblower Protections for the SES
Ensuring workplace rights and avenues for redress is a premier issue for the Senior Executives Association (SEA). SEA remains concerned that members of the Senior Executive Service (SES) lack a forum for adjudicating workplace disputes and adequate whistleblower protections.

SEA-BGRS Relocation Practices Survey
The Senior Executives Association (SEA) and BGRS are conducting unique research regarding current U.S. Federal and Canadian government relocation policies and talent management practices to determine how effective practices are today, and how they may need to evolve for tomorrow.

SEA Presents: The Future of Government Leadership is Now
SEA Presents: The Future of Government Leadership is Now - a three day virtual leadership summit designed to empower participants to take ideas about the future of work and apply them today. Between the pandemic, the shift to fully remote work environments, changing economy and talent drivers, the ideas that drive how work and leadership will be handled in the future are being tested immediately. The government's leaders are being challenged to meet this new work dynamic head on - which may require different ways of thinking and being.

Forty Years of Defending Career Federal Executives
This year marks 40 years of the Senior Executives Association serving as the voice of career leaders and aspiring leaders. Today, SEA is just as committed to defending merit-principles, promoting excellence in government, and ensuring adequate compensation for senior leaders as we have been since our creation in 1980. While these battles change in nature over time, their foundation remains the same: ensuring a qualified and professionalized senior leadership cadre across federal agencies is equipped to serve the American people.

Expanded ‘G2U Initiative’ Strives to Bring More University Students into Public Service
The Volker Alliance Government-to-University Initiative is continuing to grow and expand opportunities for universities to collaborate more closely with the federal government.

Senior Executives Association, Center for Organizational Excellence Host Press Conference Announcing Report on Transforming Human Capital Management in Federal Workforce
In a press conference Tuesday, the Senior Executives Association (SEA) announced the release of a report detailing ways to build the capacity for change within the federal workforce. The report, led by Study Chair Steve Goodrich of the Center for Organizational Excellence (COE), argues that while most stakeholders agree modernization is necessary, in its current state the federal human capital management system (HCM) is ill-equipped to lead that modernization. The report includes three recommendations with 16 action items spread between them.